Mountain Pilgrims

A pilgrim is someone who goes on a long journey to a sacred place.  For a mountain pilgrim, that sacred place is the mountains.  Going on a pilgrimage is time out to reflect and be resourced for life away from the mountains

The Lakeland Pilgrimage is an initiative of Mountain Pilgrims, which is an emerging community of people that share a sense of awe in the mountains. We are seeking to explore the transcendence behind the mountains, valleys, hills and lakes: to meet in the Lakeland hills to better understand what it is that draws us to the thin places - the places where we sense something more than the everyday.

As John Muir said, "We’d rather be in the mountains thinking of God, than in church thinking about the mountains."

In the mountains, thinking of God
Whilst the community is facilitated by a small core group of people who share different aspects of the christian story, Mountain Pilgrims is open to anyone interested in rediscovering the hills, and what it means to be human.

We aim to meet at some point each month, and use a Facebook space, to continue discussions, plan whats happening next facilitate the group as it grows.  Read more about Mountain Pilgrims