Buried Treasure

A pilgrimage is a chance to reflect and take stock.  To encourage this, we've placed a number of 'treasure troves' at special places along the Pilgrimage route as detailed below. The treasure to be found here is wisdom and to encourage you to visit these amazing and varied places, we've hidden 31 different thoughts and reflections for you to find and read.

Click on the image to see larger map
Click on the image to view interactive map (takes a minute to fully upload)

Each place has a special quality and can be visited separately to provide a focus for what are mostly fairly short walks.  We are excited to share these incredible, and in many cases, lesser known spots, with you. 

View List of Treasure Troves

Each box contains a unique reflection
Each treasure trove consists of a clip lock box containing reflection cards and a pen. The intention is that you read the reflection at the treasure trove location and write down anything that comes to mind. Feel free to take the reflection card with you and we'd love to hear what comes to mind (send us an email)

Please ensure that you replace the box exactly where you found it with all clips securely fixed and the cards sealed inside the bag and the bag placed in the box with the pen.   If cards need replenishing, please let us know.  Happy hunting!